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Nagayu CO2 Spa Bathing Treatment

Instant Stink Free and Coat Repair

Nagayu CO2 SPA is able to decompose the body fluid that caused the odor, and give a much better cleaning than regular water. At the same time, the effect of the bicarbonate ions, hydrogen ions also wash off mineral waste and silicon dirt clogged in the hair root. This results in a full, silky, and healthy coat. This is a great treatment for every dog that has a bath in the Spa, even if they do not suffer with any skin problems. It keeps their coats in tip top condition.

Skin Care and Enhancing Recovery

We can use Nagayu CO2 SPA to shower on the problem area, or soak in a bathtub (for feet problems).

Nagayu CO2 SPA speeds up the healing process by increasing blood flow, allow cells to absorb more nutrients and more oxygen for the process of cell regeneration. As deep-cleaning can also cause over-dryness for the skin, Nagayu have added moisturising supplement into the tablet to avoid the problem. Dog's skin is 1/3 the thickness of human skin. When the outer layer is damaged, it can cause an imbalance in the skins pH levels resulting in scabs, yeast or oil build up. Using the CO2 treatment maintains the health and quality of your dogs protective skin layers.

How It Works

Nagayu tablet  generates millions of carbonic acid and hydrogen ion and transform the water into to CO2 SPA. While showering with CO2 SPA, these CO2 enter the blood vessels and cause it to expand and increase the blood flow. Thus cells receive more nutrients and oxygen, results boosting metabolism and speeds up healing process.

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